I have received so much benefit from Christian Science...

I have received so much benefit from Christian Science that my great desire is to let others who may be in need of help know where it can be found. I suffered for many years from stomach disorder, female weakness, and nervousness. Many physicians were tried, the last one a professor, but did not get well. The stomach trouble was thought by some to be inherited, as my father had passed away from the same ailment. At last I could eat only certain kinds of food and was afraid to drink even a glass of water, as it always brought suffering. I became very sick and feverish, an abscess having formed, and had to be in bed for a time. All this made me very weak, as the abscess was supposed to have poisoned the system. Then another difficulty set in for which I was treated for a while, and which the doctor thought a slight operation would relieve. Accordingly I was operated on, but was unable to walk even the two blocks to the nearest street-car for over a year afterward, or until I had been healed in Christian Science. During that year I could not do my housework, and most of the time was spent in lying on a couch.

At last, not knowing what else to do, and knowing no medicine could help me, I went to the country for complete rest. While there a friend told me of Christian Science, and after all I had gone through I was willing to try anything. I wrote to a practitioner for treatment and had her help for about three months. In that time I had learned that God is my strength, and this truth has never failed me. Now I can eat my meals without fear and am doing all my work, including washing, and feel better than I have for years. I first found Christian Science in June, 1912, and no medicine has been used for myself or our little boy since then.

I am thankful to God for the understanding I have gained of this saving truth. It has helped me to overcome the fear I held over our boy, who seemed to have a weak stomach. Formerly I was always very careful what I gave him to eat, but since I learned that God is able to care for all His children, the boy can eat what he likes and it does not harm him. I have indeed found that God is "a very present help in trouble," for through my own understanding the slight difficulties that have come up have been overcome. Words can never tell how thankful I am to God for His benefits, and how grateful to Mrs. Eddy for showing us the way to overcome sin and disease and all inharmony.

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October 9, 1915

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