I am deeply grateful to God for the healing of my son in...

I am deeply grateful to God for the healing of my son in Christian Science. When nineteen years old he was very ill with every symptom of lung trouble, together with kidney trouble and catarrh, for which he had medical treatment. He was thoroughly examined by a doctor and treated by him for some time. After that he got worse and was urged by the manager in the office where he was employed to have further advice. I was, however, sure he could be healed in Christian Science, so asked him to try it. This he consented to do, and after having absent treatment for a week, the night sweats, kidney trouble, and catarrh had disappeared, and the cough was much better. With treatment for three weeks he went up in weight and was entirely healed.

Eliza Gill, Nottingham, England.

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When Shadows Fled
October 9, 1915

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