My heart is so filled with gladness for what Christian Science...

My heart is so filled with gladness for what Christian Science has done for me that I want to express something of my joy in words. I was healed in Christian Science after seven years of suffering. I had been under the care of six different physicians, including a number of specialists, but they failed to cure me. How well I remember the last treatment I took under materia medica! After saying to the specialist, as I had said to all the rest of the doctors, that he had failed ot do for me what he claimed he could do, I left his office downhearted and discouraged. As I walked slowly up the street, wondering if there was anything in this world that I could do or take that would help me, the thought came to me that the Christian Scientists had reading-rooms near by, and I would look them up and see what kind of people they were. I had heard a little about them through my wife, who had tried to get me to read some literature which friends had given her for me, but which I would glance at and then toss aside with some uncomplimentary remark.

On entering the rooms I was met by a lady who asked me kindly if there was anything they could do for me. I said I guessed not; that if they could do anything, it would be more than anybody else had done. She looked at me, and then said that nothing is impossible with God. I shall never forget the way she said this; it set me thinking about something which I had never thought much about, and that was, what our heavenly Father can do for us. I sat down, and a gentleman from Kansas City talked with me a little while and gave me a card to one of the workers here in Denver. I went to see her, and she lovingly talked with me about God. I realize now that He came into my life then.

This practitioner was so busy just then, she said I would have to wait a few days if I wanted her to help me, but if I did not choose to wait,—and I think she saw I did not,—she would call up a friend and see if she could help me. Accordingly I made an engagement with her friend for that evening, and began treatment at once, with the result that I was healed of chronic stomach trouble in its last stages, also of rheumatism of many years' standing. The fear of paralysis, of which I had a stroke while under the care of two physicians, the tobacco habit of thirty years' standing, together with profanity, left me without any effort on my part. My healing, which took place eleven years ago, has been permanent. Not one day has passed since then that I have not been able to perform whatever duties have come to me.

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January 30, 1915

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