In Paul's message to the Ephesians we read: "Put off...

In Paul's message to the Ephesians we read: "Put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and ... put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Here I would like to give my experience in regard to this passage.

Being raised in a Christian church of which my parents were devout adherents, I was taught to fear God almost more than to love Him. As far back as I can remember, I was taught that if we were sick it was the will of God for us to be so. At the age of sixteen I lost my dear mother, and as the home seemed lonesome without her, I decided to leave. I went West and began to lead a life which was none of the best; in other words, I lived in what is commonly called the underworld. For almost ten years I was restless and miserable, and drifted from place to place. The more I saw or heard of religion the more I despised it; but away down in my heart I had a longing to be good. I wanted some one to love, and some one to love me. I was getting disgusted with this worldly life,—people striving for wealth, brother fighting against brother; I could not understand it. Those I met all preached to me about a hereafter, but nobody seemed to be able to tell me about now.

Some two years ago, on my second visit to the Pacific coast, I became acquainted with a young lady who was a Christian Scientist. I had known her quite a while before she broached the subject of Christian Science to me and asked me to attend church with her; and I went, just to be agreeable. I had been drinking a good deal at this time, and everything seemed to go wrong, so I confided to my friend, and she gave me a copy of Science and Health to read; but it seemed as though I could not understand it, so I returned the book. A short time afterward, while standing opposite a Christian Science reading-room, something seemed to direct me to cross the street and enter it. I did so, and sat down to read. When I left the room, I was surprised to see that I had been reading the Bible and Science and Health for over three hours. I had never read the Bible before. How happy I felt when I left that reading-room, and I resolved to know more of this wonderful truth.

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Testimony of Healing
Never will I forget the joy, peace, happiness, and freedom ...
January 2, 1915

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