In dealing with the subject of life, Mrs. Eddy's teachings...

Boston (Mass.) American

In dealing with the subject of life, Mrs. Eddy's teachings emphasize the eternal nature of all that reflects God. Jesus' statement, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly," is borne out in the mission performed by Christian Science. Many who have despaired of retaining hold upon the present sense of life, have gained a larger share of life and its attendant blessings by the study and application of Christian Science.

To welcome death as a friend is to regard death differently from the way in which Jesus taught that it should be regarded. Jesus regarded death as an enemy, and therefore to be overcome. By far the greater part of his work was performed in preventing and overcoming death. His apostles sought to carry out this teaching. Paul declared, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." Again he said, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." To enter into the fulness of life here and now, on should seek to cast out all that conflicts with the truth of being, to overcome sin and sickness by the understanding of God's ever-presence and omnipotence. That which truly lives can never die.

Life itself can never be extinguished. In its true sense Life is Spirit, and the real man, who is the image and likeness of Spirit, can never be separated from Life. This statement, however, should not be taken to mean that the mortal does not pass through the experience of death. To affirm this, would be to deny that which is palpably evident to the human senses. Mrs. Eddy has wisely summed up the situation on page 43 of her book "Unity of Good," in this statement, "The achievement of this ultimatum of Science, complete triumph over death, requires time and immense spiritual growth."

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