Special Announcements

The Christian Science Text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."—For styles of bindings and prices see back cover of this periodical.

"The First Church of Christ, Scientists, and Miscellany."—A volume of the later writings of Mrs. Eddy, complied from the files of The Christian Science Journal and Sentinel, together with historical matter pertaining thereto, as selected by her, is now on sale, and orders will be received by the publisher. Prices as follows: Cloth, single copy $2.25; six or more copies to one address, each $2.00. Morocco or pocket edition, single copy $4.00; six or more copies to one address, each $3.75. Orders for six or more copies to one address may include the two styles of bindings at the quantity prices.

In response to many requests, the "Church Manual," heretofore published only in the cloth binding, is now issued in a "pocket edition," size 4 x 53/4 inches, morocco, limp, round corners, gilt edges, Oxford India Bible paper. Prices of this special edition: Single copy $2.00; six or more to one address, each $1.75.

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June 27, 1914

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