As I look back over the last three years and see the steady...

As I look back over the last three years and see the steady progress made in overcoming discordant conditions, I am filled with thankfulness to God. I have been lifted out of such an awful sense of fear and insecurity, to a certain consciousness of the nearness of God, that I can say with Job, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee."

I had no thought of physical healing when I began to study Christian Science, but I had a great desire to obtain a more satisfactory understanding of God, and of life. After reading the literature for two or three months, I realized that I was healed of a chronic bowel disorder, from which I had suffered for about nine years, and several minor ills disappeared as the truth dawned upon my consciousness. I am glad to state that my healing has been permanent. Since then, moreover, I have been healed of other ills, including an acute affection of the throat, which was overcome in one night through the study of the Lesson-Sermon and periodicals.

My husband and our two little daughters have felt the healing power of Truth many times during the past two years and a half, and we are grateful for this physical betterment, as it is the proof of a correct understanding of divine Principle; but the consciousness of God as our Father-Mother is more than anything else to me. I have had the great joy of helping others, and I feel very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for teaching us how to use this Christ-teaching in overcoming the evidence of mortal sense by proving the all-power of Truth.

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Testimony of Healing
For several years I have desired to acknowledge through...
May 23, 1914

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