New Blessings

Christian Science brings to mankind a demand for unceasing progress, and this is a surprise to some, who think that because God's work is perfect and complete, there is no need for us to press forward. There are, however, few if any who can claim to have already reached the condition expressed by the psalmist's word "satisfied;" hence the demand for progress. It is quite true that, as we gain clear glimpses of the infinite goodness of God, we are satisfied with it; but this is quite different from being satisfied with our own present attainment. This truth comes to mortals when they are in great darkness as to the future, if not the present, and this was expressed by the wise man when he declared, "Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." This sentiment in most cases has been regarded as a prediction of impending evil, but even in the book of Lamentations we are assured that God's mercies and compassions fail not, that "they are new every morning."

The unfoldment of the spiritual senses through the understanding gained in Christian Science, means much to the student of Mrs. Eddy's teachings, but it should mean much more. It makes possible each day discoveries of new blessings; indeed, of "a new heaven and a new earth." Our revered Leader says of her own emergence from the old ways of material belief: "The divine hand led me into a new world of light and Life, a fresh universe—old to God, but new to His 'little one.' It became evident that the divine Mind alone must answer, and be found as the Life, or Principle, of all being; and that one must acquaint himself with God, if he would be at peace" (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 27).

It thus inevitably follows that, as we grow better acquainted with God, each day brings forth wonderful discoveries of the glorious things awaiting us in the realm of infinite Mind, things we had not even dreamed of when thought was held fettered in the dreary domain of mortal belief. Now we can say joyously, Who knows what a day may bring forth in the way of new blessings, the clearing away of clouds and shadows, till we can see in Truth's glad sunshine, "new regions blest, new powers unfurled"! It rests with us to know that God has all good for us, if we are only ready to take possession of man's eternal heritage.

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Giving No Offense
May 9, 1914

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