
The sweet odors of spring perfumed the air. Birds were flitting gaily from branch to branch, and the glad sunshine bathed the earth in smiles. Near our house stood a large magnolia tree, its strong arms full of lavish blossoms shining through the glossy leaves. A bud from this tree had been given to a member of our household, and it was put in a vase of water on the mantel. For two days and nights it showed no signs of unfolding, and its velvety petals were wrapped snugly about it. Then one day, while pondering why the bud did not open and display the glorious center within, some one called me from the room, and I remained away about ten minutes. When I returned, a veritable marvel met my eyes, for a full-blown magnolia beamed upon me. The big, tight bud had yielded to the sunlight and the coaxing breeze. The sepals had released their determined grasp and a most magnificent blossom was revealed, with myriads of delicate parts, lapped and overlapped, about a wondrously perfect stamen.

The lesson thus taught by the simple flower has remained with me. How wont we are to look upon the closed bud of our own or another's thought, and question its tardy development! It appears to be closed; in other words, unresponsive, unyielding, uncompromising. Impatiently, perchance, we conclude that it will never open, never blossom out in beauty, and it seems like folly to keep and water it. But wait! let us spare the bud, for it will surely burst and disclose the celestial secret that lies concealed within. The divine hand has not been idle. Love is active, preparing beauty and loveliness within, in accord with God's eternal law, for, as our Leader tells us, "growth is the eternal mandate of Mind" (Science and Health, p. 520). Development is taking place, consciousness is being transformed; and when Love's work is finished and Truth's law is fulfilled, the petals of the bloom of a new and nobler life will open and reveal the miracle of grace.

Patience must have her perfect work. What to our stupid sense seems indifference and unresponsiveness, to the sunlight of Truth may prove but the "preparing time." The heart is being transformed by a power unseen, the whole nature is being enriched from the divine source of all beauty. Some day, when perhaps we have least expected it, the hour of unfoldment will come, and "none can stay" the mighty hand of the infinite One that doeth the work, nor can any say to Him, "What doest thou?"

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