From early girlhood I was considered of delicate constitution...

From early girlhood I was considered of delicate constitution. Attacks of heart trouble, liver complaint, bowel disorder, and severe headaches, for which I was taking medicine daily, made life a burden to me for weeks and even months at a time. As the years went by, these conditions became chronic, until, about eight years before trying Christian Science, I became a confirmed invalid, bedridden for months at a time. As a result of this condition, I suffered with nervous breakdown and an abnormal condition of one kidney. At this time, just five years ago, I was given up by three different physicians. The verdict was that there was not a sound organ in my body. The sinking spells were becoming more frequent and severe each time. I was not expected to live more than a short time at best, as all material means which I had tried had failed.

I gladly turned to Christian Science, seemingly the only remedy I had not tried, though I did not have much faith in it, because I did not understand it; but the lady who gave me treatment quoted, "With God all things are possible." She gave me three treatments, and told me I could come to her for the fourth, although I lived half a block away. I thought she must be crazy to think I could walk. She said, to encourage me, that God was my strength and that I could come; so the next day I requested my husband to assist me to dress and help me to walk, which he was glad to do. With trembling steps, he holding me up mostly, we started, and the farther we went the stronger I felt. My husband left me there and was to come after me in a couple of hours, but feeling so much stronger after having treatment, I thought I would surprise him and see if I could walk home alone. I started in God's strength, and got home without any assistance. I was perfectly healed at that time.

Words are inadequate to express the deep thankfulness I feel to God, and my gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for my wonderful healing. The Bible has become more precious to me than ever, and with Science and Health as a "Key to the Scriptures," it does most beautifully unlock the treasures for each one of God's children. My greatest desire is to get a better understanding of this blessed truth as taught in Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
I have long felt a desire to express my gratitude for and...
October 10, 1914

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