Almost nine years ago I began the study of Christian Science...

Almost nine years ago I began the study of Christian Science for the physical help I hoped to receive from its teachings, also to learn of God as a Father-Mother, for I had at that time sustained the deep sense of loss of my only parent. I was thus left apparently alone and in a strange country, where I had come a short time before in search of health, thinking I would be benefited by the California climate. After having been here for several months, however, I grew worse. At this time I had exhausted all that materia medica could offer me; also the many different places to which I had gone, hoping to find in relief in the climate, had brought me no benefit. I then turned for the second time to Christian Science for help, seeking not alone the physical healing, but the knowledge and understanding of God as an ever-present help in time of need. Since beginning the study of Christian Science I have been perfectly and permanently healed of what was pronounced lung trouble by my physicians at the time, this disease being considered hereditary in our family.

I had been treated by my home physicians, but there seemed no help for me from their treatments. I was therefore advised by them to try a change of climate, but I had grown so much worse that I was unable to make the change. A relative recommended Christian Science to me, and a practitioner was sent for. It was not long before I was greatly benefited, but I was unable to grasp the spiritual truth of the help derived from its teachings. Several years after this I was again greatly in need of help physically, suffering with symptoms of the same condition, also from kidney and spinal trouble, nervous breakdown, and great mental disturbance. I again turned to materia medica for help, but after treating me daily for three months, my physician candidly told me he could help me only temporarily, if at all. He advised an immediate change of climate, so I spent some time at different resorts in search of health, having in attendance one physician who had had twenty-five years' experience in pulmonary diseases; but I was not benefited after being under his care for nine months. Finally, I was advised to try the California climate. After coming here I grew worse, as above stated, and so at last turned to Christian Science again, and was completely healed.

My gratitude for this wonderful proof of the healing power of Christian Science through the knowledge and understanding of God and man's true relationship to Him, as taught in our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, is greater than can be expressed in words. For my healing and the many blessings which have come to me through the teaching of Christian Science, I am indeed thankful to God, and also grateful to our beloved Leader, who has made known to us this great truth that is freeing mankind from diseases of all kinds. I rejoice in the good that has come into my life through Christian Science.—Frances H. Keyes, Los Angeles, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
When about eight years of age, I began to wonder why the...
October 3, 1914

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