Appreciating the kindly reference to Christian Science in...

Table Talk

Appreciating the kindly reference to Christian Science in a recent issue of Table Talk, and in no sense depreciating the work and efforts of those who are seeking in metaphysics surcease for themselves and others from the abounding ills arising from the belief of life, power, and intelligence in matter, but who have not arrived at the full acceptance of the divine Mind as the only real power, may the writer crave space in your columns for brief discrimination between the healing of Christian Science and "mental suggestion"?

Christian Science, which may be conveniently defined here as the spiritual understanding or scientific knowledge of God in His relationship to the universe, including man, has its foundation in the demonstration of the omnipotence of God, good. It ascribes all power to the divine Mind, and recognizes no belief in the actuality of any power of evil. On the allness of this divine power Jesus Christ based the commission to his disciples when he sent them forth to teach all nations obedience to his commands, specific among which is the combined injunction, more than once given, to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick, an injunction which has never been abrogated, although for fifteen centuries these have been divorced in practise by the Christian church.

Christian Science healing is not effected through any reliance on human will, or through any operation of one human mind upon another. Christian Science teaches radical reliance on God, and its healing is effected through full recognition of the ever-presence and infinitude of Almighty God, good, a clear realization in consciousness of the truth about God, man, and the universe. Mrs. Eddy says, "Willing the sick to recover is not the metaphysical practise of Christian Science" (Science and Health, p. 144). Mental suggestion and all hypnotic agencies are explicityly and emphatically condemned in her teachings. Hypnotism in all its branches is a belief in two powers, good and evil, either of which may be exercised at the will of the operator. Christian Science teaches how men can be freed from all such despotic control. It shows that the results of erroneous thinking must be corrected by realization of the absolute truth, and not by the substitution of one belief or suggestion for another. The only mind which Christian Science acknowledges as having real existence or actual power is the Mind which Paul tells us "was also in Christ Jesus." In proportion as mortals advance in the attainment of this Mind they will gain that purity of thought and harmony of existence the external manifestation of which is physical health.

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