I am indeed grateful for all the benefits I have received...

I am indeed grateful for all the benefits I have received through the understanding of Christian Science. I have come to know that God is indeed a merciful God, a "friend of the friendless" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 399). I was without hope of ever being well in this world, having been miserable from the age of fifteen. For nearly twenty-five years I had depended upon materia medica to be able to perform my daily tasks, and when I first heard of Christian Science I felt as if a light had been shed on me, and this was proved true.

I am thankful for the health I now enjoy, and even more for the spiritual blessings. I have lived here over four years, and in that time have met only one person who had any interest in Christian Science, but I had the pleasure of attending a testimony meeting in Wallace, Idaho, and I have been to the services in Spokane, Wash., several times. I have, however, been blessed with many wonderful demonstrations of Truth's power. I have many of the publications, the Sentinel and Quarterly, and I thank God for Mrs. Eddy and her wonderful book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." I feel God's guiding hand in all I do, and I know the impersonal guidance of Truth is All-in-all.—Miss Ellen M. Knaggs, Harrison, Idaho.

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Testimony of Healing
I am truly grateful for what Christian Science has done...
April 6, 1912

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