Over four years ago I was healed of weak eyesight,...

Over four years ago I was healed of weak eyesight, after having used glasses fifteen years. At the same time I was healed of a nervous disease of several years' standing. At this late date I wish to acknowledge my healing, as time has proved the cure permanent. I was healed through the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and since then have tested my sight severely by close application to book work and several hours' daily reading. My sense of sight is so free that I use it the same as I breathe the air, and never find it wanting.

I am indeed grateful for the knowledge of God I have received through Christian Science, and it is by far the greatest boon I have ever been granted. To me the healing through Christian Science is the most wonderful evidence of God's presence and power that humanity could ask.

Theo. H. Lampe, Kansas City, Mo.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my thanks for all the good I have...
March 23, 1912

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