I have been receiving the blessings of Christian Science...

I have been receiving the blessings of Christian Science for over five years. At the time I found this truth I had been for years a sufferer from severe headaches, also from chronic bronchial and stomach trouble. I indulged in whisky drinking, and often woke up at night with such suffocating spells that I would think the end had come. I was very despondent at times, and while living in San Francisco, in 1905, a young student of Christian Science, seeing my helpless condition, spoke to me about this teaching. I told her I knew nothing about it, and she asked me if I would like to know. I said I would. She then asked me if I knew I had a birthright; I answered in the affirmative. She asked me if I knew what man's birthright meant. As she went on to explain it to me, I said I was ready to trust God, to trust Him forever, and would never take another drop of medicine. She told me I need not say that, as God would heal me of all my sickness; that man, the divine idea, had never been sick, for God made him good. I seemed to understand her meaning, and grasped it as a drowning person clutches a rope. She gave me a treatment by silent prayer, which seemed strange to me; but I needed help very much, and was rejoiced to feel that I had found it.

That was at eleven o'clock in the morning, and at half past four of the same day all pain left me, also the taste and desire for whisky, though I did not realize for several days that it had gone, as I had not expected it to leave me so suddenly. The neuralgic headaches, bronchial and stomach troubles, also the whisky habit and suffocating spells, were all healed in two months in Christian Science, and I ceased to travel about in search of a healthful climate. A number of physicians had treated me at different times during the fifteen years I had ben battling with these ailments. For my slight understanding of the truth that God is light and that in Him is no darkness at all, which I have learned from the Bible, as explained by the text-book of Christian Science in my daily study of the Lesson-Sermons, I am truly thankful. This understanding gives me constant hope and strength. All of the literature is helping me to work out my salvation.

My object in writing this testimony is that it may bring hope and relief to some who are suffering, and deliver them from their sickness, sin, and sense of lack. I am realizing daily that these beliefs are not of God, and for this I would express my sincere gratitude to Him, also to our beloved Leader for giving us this understanding of God as Mind, and man as His image and likeness or reflection.

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October 26, 1912

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