While I am not a Christian Scientist, I have had enough...

While I am not a Christian Scientist, I have had enough experience in it to know there is great power for good in its teachings. For five years I have had treatment in attacks of illness, for myself and for our children. The first experience, five years ago, was when I was suffering from mental depression and wished only for death. The remarkable part of it is that I have never been troubled in that way since, and I had been subject to this trouble all my life before Christian Science came to me.

In the fall of 1910 I had treatment when my baby was born. I sent for the practitioner at daybreak, had no pain after she came, and at one o'clock the baby was born. When this child was only a few weeks old she suffered greatly from what seemed to be a serious trouble in her head. My fear was great, as I had no idea what the trouble was, and we were so far from a doctor that I could not find out what was the matter. I took the child to the practitioner, and her first work was the overcoming of my fear. The baby never suffered in the least after receiving treatment, thought it was about three days before the healing was effected.

Mrs. Lurlyne Lane, Alto, N. Mex.

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Testimony of Healing
In return for the help which I have so often received...
October 19, 1912

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