A recent report of the Lutheran synod, held in Kansas City...

Topeka (Kan.) Capital

A recent report of the Lutheran synod, held in Kansas City, gives the information that the Lutheran church proposes to "publish pamphlets to combat the spread of Christian Science in that state." We assume that this means the state of Kansas. The incident leads us to believe that this body of honorable men have been misinformed on the subject of Christian Science, which advocates all that is pure and holy, and demands right living in all things. It is based upon the Holy Scriptures, taking for its fundamental propositions the declarations of Christ Jesus. Therefore any effort to "combat" its teaching would in reality be an effort to combat the Christian religion, to combat the teaching of Christ, and we doubt if our clerical friends desire to enter into a propaganda which virtually means opposition to God's word We would advise them to weigh this matter with extreme care before they venture upon the task.

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