In gratitude to God, also to our beloved Leader for the...

In gratitude to God, also to our beloved Leader for the great benefits I have received from Christian Science, I can no longer keep silent; in fact I have done so too long already. For over a year I was very ill, and I was treated by one of the most prominent New York specialists, also five or more other doctors at different times. I however found that I was not improving, so turned to Christian Science as a last resort. I became interested just from passing the beautiful church on 96th street, New York, and after having treatment for four days I improved rapidly. Then came a crisis, and the nurse and those around me, not understanding that a change for good was taking place, sent for the doctors instead of the Christian Science practitioner. For days I was hardly conscious of anything around me; all the time I lived in a world apart from those near, but the future seemed bright, as it has proved to be.

After months of care I recovered, but my few days' experience in Christian Science had taken deeper root than the onlookers thought. I then had a second attack of the severe nervous condition, and again had to return to the doctors, although at that time I was living with a dear sister who was in Science. I did not improve, so thought it best to return home with a nurse and die with my people; but no sooner was I united with them than I began to mend. I stopped all medical treatment and medicines, and held firmly to Christian Science. I treated myself as best I could and read our text-book constantly. In a few weeks I was a well woman. With God's help I have taken no material remedies for three years or more. I am thankful to say that I have eliminated all hate and malice from my consciousness, and now love those whom once I hated. I am laboring on for our beloved cause in this "isle of the sea," and notwithstanding ridicule and opposition from those who do not understand this truth, I know that some day we shall all be of one fold. I am only thankful to give my help to any one who may appeal to me, which has met with success so far. If such is the harvest with my small understanding, what big blessings the future holds.

Three years ago I was the only Scientist (to my knowledge) in this portion of our beautiful island, but today there are a few dozen interested, who are reading our literature and studying "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Our constant prayer is for more understanding and greater help from our brothers and sisters across the waters. They can have no idea what it means to get our literature once a week; it is the brightest day in all the week to us and it is the only thing that cheers us with our work here. We live in the hope of having a society or reading-room started, and a few of us have begun to save with that end in view. I have four copies of Science and Health and one of "Miscellaneous Writings" for loaning. I must conclude by thanking the dear brothers and sisters in Science who have helped us and evinced interest in this island by sending literature and helpful letters. The harvest truly is great, but the workers are all too few.

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Testimony of Healing
My little girl had attended the Sunday school of First...
January 6, 1912

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