The event of the present year in the religious circles of Deadwood was a lecture at the Deadwood Theater Sunday afternoon [April 2] on "Christian Science" by Bliss Knapp. The lecturer was introduced by Judge W. S. Elder, who said:—

The close of the nineteenth century and the beginning of this one will be memorable in the annals of American history for certain great political, social, and religious movements which took place during this period.

Among the religious teachers who voiced one phase at least of the demand for a return to the gospel of the apostolic age was the Founder of Christian Science. Her gospel of healing through Christian Science came like a warm and fragrant breath of spring into the cold and arid heart of humanity, and immediately the desert bloomed and blossomed with fresh hope. No one, I think, can justly deny that Mrs. Eddy was a great teacher. To deny it is to deny the facts of history. Her leadership is evidenced by the number of her followers among thinking men and women all over the world, by the churches and institutions which have been built in her name, and by the literature which is spreading broadcast over the whole earth the fundamentals of her faith. It is possible, I suppose, that a movement of such world-wide significance as that of Christian Science could have been built upon "fraud and delusion," but I do not believe it.

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Testimony of Healing
Seven years ago I stood in the consulting-room of a noted...
June 3, 1911

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