To call Christian Science "Eddyism" is just as logical...

Los Angeles (Cal.) Herald

To call Christian Science "Eddyism" is just as logical and fitting as to call algebra "Newtonism." Christian Science is a science and not contingent upon any human personality. It is not an invention or creation of Mrs. Eddy, but solely the outcome of her spiritual study and research. It is a subject so vast that it cannot possibly be regarded in the light of an "ism" or "ology." It is not a mere doctrine. It is too large for a creed, and it goes beyond mere form in worship. There is no insubordination to the divine law of Life, inaugurated by the Master, taught in Christian Science, but on the contrary an undeviating adherence thereto. Christian Science makes for purity, righteousness, honesty, and good will to others. In fine, Christian Science is but the scientific statement of Christianity. The two are indissoluble and cannot be considered separately. For this reason Christian Science cannot be considered as akin to any human teaching or system. Furthermore, it cannot be understood in the light of these teachings, nor explained by means unlike itself, because it is spiritual, entire, and complete.

Our critic asks the question, "Is Christian Science Christian?" and then as a preliminary to his conclusion that it is not Christian he declares that Christian Science denies a personal God. If he had studied what Christian Science teaches on this subject, he would have found the following on page 116 of the Christian Science text-book: "If the term personality, as applied to God, means infinite personality, then God is infinite Person,—in the sense of infinite personality, but not in the lower sense." In amplification of the foregoing, Mrs. Eddy writes: "We understand that God is personal in a scientific sense, but is not corporeal nor anthropomorphic. We understand that God is not finite; He is infinite Person, but not three persons in one person. Christian Scientists are theists and monotheists. Those who misjudge us because we understand that God is the infinite One instead of three, should be able to explain God's personality rationally. Christian Scientists consistently conceive of God as One because He is infinite; and as triune, because He is Life, Truth, Love, and these three are one in essence and in office" (Messages to The Mother Church, p. 40). The Christian Science text-book on page 587 defines God as follows: "The great I am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all-substance; intelligence." It is not possible to obtain a clearer definition of God as person than that quoted above from the Christian Science text-book, when we regard the word person in its correct sense.

Because God is infinite, He works according to infinite laws. The word infinite precludes the possibility of time. What was done through an understanding of God in the year one can be done in the year 1911, and all other years. The word infinite precluding the possibility of limitation, God is omnipotent or all power, in fact the only real power in the universe. Christian Science therefore reveals the God of the Bible, "who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies." Because God is good, His laws are good and are therefore for man's integrity, health, and well-being. Christian Science declares unreservedly for an infinitely good God, who is, as John said, "love," and who does not send sickness or sin to afflict the race. If we are to be stoned, this is the place to stone us, for we rest our full hope of salvation on the boundless goodness and love of God, who is "of purer eyes than to behold evil."

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