My gratitude to God for Christian Science can never be...

My gratitude to God for Christian Science can never be fully expressed by either tongue or pen. If Mary Magdalene had seven devils, I had even more, but Christian Science has freed me. I was a victim of severe headaches, extreme nervous conditions, serious throat trouble, and a bowel disorder of twenty years' standing. I was healed of all these ills and also laid aside glasses. In August, 1908, I met with a severe accident, fracturing a rib and sustaining internal injures. I was not sufficiently advanced spiritually to overcome these, and the pain seemed very real,—in fact, almost unendurable. A Christian Science practitioner was sent for, and while I was receiving the first treatment the awful pain in my side and back disappeared. The fourth day I took up my duties as usual. My highest aim and wish is that I may live Christian Science in deeds, meekly and obediently.

Mrs. Denver L. Richardson, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho.

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Testimony of Healing
I have had convincing proof that Christian Science heals...
September 18, 1909

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