In the hope that this expression of my hearfelt gratitude...

In the hope that this expression of my hearfelt gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me may benefit others, I will say that for more than forty years I had been troubled with heart disease, so that I never went away from home without carrying a bottle of medicine along, and many times I thought that my last moment had come. Early in 1907 I had such a severe attack that my children telephoned immediately for a doctor, and my condition became so alarming that a second doctor was sent for. They held a consultation, and medicines were given to me. After four months' treatment they thought it better that I should change my home from San Jose to Carmel, but first it had to be found out if I could stand the trip. The change was made, but I needed at once the help of a doctor, who came twice a day.

At this time a neighbor inquired after me, and asked my daughter if I would not like to try Christian Science. I gave my consent willingly, so a practitioner was sent for, and I never shall forget the healing words she spoke to me. I had always thought that I knew the Bible pretty well, and had great trust in the power of God, but I found that I did not understand it rightly. My eyes were opened, thanks to our heavenly Father, also to Mrs. Eddy. I felt a great change in a few days, and my healing was accomplished inside of two months. I remember with much joy one day, when I wanted to go to the beach, where my children and friends were to have a breakfast, but they thought that I was not able yet to walk four blocks. I, however, knew that God was my strength, and that He would make my way perfect. I went alone to where they were, had breakfast with them, and walked home also. From that time my healing went on very fast, and since then I have had no trouble with my heart. I have also been healed through Christian Science of a terrible pain in my shoulder and arm, pain so severe that I could not use my arm; also from other ailments. Thanks to God these have all disappeared into the nothingness which was their origin. I hope I may progress in the knowledge of God as the only power.

Mrs. H. Van Leeuwen, San Francisco, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
Some fourteen years ago, in removing a small piece of...
September 18, 1909

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