Truth is radical, unchanging, and immutable

Truth is radical, unchanging, and immutable. The great men and women of all time, who because of their advanced thought advocate truths not recognized by their contemporaries, have always been called radical. This truth which has healed me seemed to me too radical, and even unreasonable, a few months ago, but now it seems perfectly natural and reasonable. It is not altogether pleasant for me to recall my experience, but I do so for the encouragement and help it may bring to some other suffering mortal. I am not a member of the Christian Science church, but have been a member of an orthodox denomination for over fifteen years.

About four years ago I became afflicated with rheumatism in a severe form, and for three and a half years I suffered intensely. For two weeks at a time I did not go to bed, not being able to lie down on account of extreme pain. The doctor who attended me administered an opiate almost daily to relieve the pain, and when I had recovered somewhat I found I was a victim of the drug habit as well as of the disease. I got around, though with difficulty, with the aid of a came, and for three years I could not put on my shoes or take them off. During this time my spine had become twisted, and I was a veritable slave to the opiate. The time came, this past winter, when I realized that I must have help or the grave was not far off. I had tried medicines administered by distinguished physicians, one being the chief medical director of a well-known life insurance company, another a noted nerve specialist, besides many others. One who was a homeopath gave me less medicine than the others, but he did me more good than all the rest, although that good was not lasting.

I then concluded that if less medicine was a good thing (and I certainly had taken a great quantity of drugs), that none at all would be still better, so I quit the doctors, and all the drugs except the opiate, and this I believed I could not live without, as the pain was constant, day and night. The condition of my back had become dreadful, and the drug had so undermined my nervous system that I was practically a wreck. I could eat but little, and tried to keep up my strength in various ways, using wines, etc., and to quiet my nerves I smoked excessively. In other words, I had the original disease, plus three awfully degrading and repulsive habits, fastened firmly upon me.

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Testimony of Healing
I have been interested in Christian Science for two years...
September 11, 1909

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