Two years ago my eldest son and myself were afflicted...

Two years ago my eldest son and myself were afflicted with malaria in a very alarming form, which continued for several months with no beneficial results under the best of medical treatment. In our extremity we sought Christian Science aid, and in a few weeks we were sound and well, and have remained so ever since. God's work is permanent.

I had often heard of Christian Science, but was very much opposed to reading its literature or having it read by any member of the family, for I could not become convinced of its efficacy, being ignorant of the healing truths it conveyed. I am glad now that some of the demonstrations were manifested slowly, as our earnest and honest perusals of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook have indeed been the means of revealing much truth to our consciousness, thereby enabling us to rise above and quickly overcome many ills which present themselves.

A short time ago we had a beautiful demonstration of Truth's power,—an instantaneous healing of our youngest son. He was subject to severe attacks of stomach trouble, accompanied by high fever and vomiting. During one of these, with aggravated conditions which had lasted several hours, my husband went out and telephoned a Christian Science practitioner. In less than ten minutes entire harmony had been restored, and the boy was sitting up and asking for his dinner. After his appetite had been sufficiently appeased, and his desire to be dressed was gratified, he played as usual until bedtime. We have every reason to believe that this sickness has been completely mastered through our consecrated trust in God as an ever-present help in time of trouble.

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September 4, 1909

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