It is gratifying to write this testimony, trusting that...

It is gratifying to write this testimony, trusting that some seed may fall where it will take root, spring up and grow, and bring forth an hundredfold. It is a little over two years since I began the study of Christian Science. When I first heard of this wonderful teaching, a friend told me how his son had been healed. When I met this friend again we talked some more about Christian Science, and from that day I wanted to learn what it was.

I did not come into Science for physical healing, but I was dissatisfied with everything, and when the thought came to me to investigate Christian Science I asked my friend if he could direct me to a practitioner. He gave me the address of one, to whom I wrote and from whom I received a reply, stating that she was going away for. some time, but she sent me the addresses of other Scientists. By this time I was very eager for Christian Science.

From the very first day that I concluded to investigate Christian Science, many sins left me,—smoking, drinking, slang, profanity, irritableness, and other errors, and I began to love my fellow-men. I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and began to read it. I was so eager for the truth that I literally devoured the book. I learned, after reading it through the first time, that it had to be studied, and as I began to read the Bible the light came, and the more I read and studied both the Bible and Science and Health, the more light I received, as the understanding of the Bible is brought out in its spiritual meaning by this book in a way I had never before known.

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Testimony of Healing
When I was groping in the darkness occasioned by a...
July 24, 1909

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