[Translated from the German.]

In the summer of 1908 I was taken ill with a severe...

In the summer of 1908 I was taken ill with a severe attack of throat disease, and as it did not yield readily, we asked a Christian Science practitioner for help. I seemed to have great pain, could hardly swallow even liquids, and during the night I felt as if I could not breathe; but man's extremity is God's opportunity. I knew that no one could help me except God. I tried to realize that the Father sees His child as always perfect; that to God there is no evil, and therefore no sickness. The assurances of the truth strengthened and quieted me. The difficulty of breathing and the pain gradually lessened, and error yielded to the truth. In connection with this trouble a weakness of the eyes had manifested itself, so much so that I was unable to read anything whatever; but this condition also completely disappeared, returned to its nothingness.

I am indeed grateful to the Discoverer of this great truth, and am very happy to know that I can rely firmly and entirely on God, good, under all circumstances; yea, that He has already helped me.

Hildegard Ohrtmann, Halberstadt, Germany.

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July 10, 1909

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