One evening, about a year and a half ago, I was taken...

One evening, about a year and a half ago, I was taken with a severe pain in my side, so retired, thinking it would pass away, but before morning I had to send for a physician, who gave me a hypodermic injection. For two months I grew steadily worse, while the doctor increased the quantity of the drug until its effect was lost. Two specialists were then called in, who diagnosed the case as an abnormal growth, and I was told that an immediate operation would be necessary. They said it would be a very dangerous one, that I might live through it and I might not, but without it my life would only be prolonged a few months, during which time the suffering would be intense. I had decided to go to the hospital within three days, so my husband went there to complete the arrangements, but the physician postponed my going for another week.

I asked him if he could do anything for me during the time of waiting, and he answered, "No, I cannot." I then told him he need not come any more, as I intended to try Christian Science. "If you do," he said, "do not expect your suffering to stop; and give them a trial of more than ten days, for they can do nothing for you in that time." The next morning a practitioner was called in and the treatment in Christian Science began. In twenty-four hours the pain ceased, returning only once afterward, and then it lasted but twenty minutes. In five days I could sit up, and within a week was up, dressed, and walking with help. In two weeks I went out every day, and in five weeks was well, feeling better than I had done for two years. In that time I rode twenty-four miles in a buggy without the least discomfort. Now I am perfectly well and have gained greatly in weight.

Mrs. C. S. Earnshaw, Cincinnati, O.

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Testimony of Healing
Two years ago my little daughter, then eight years of...
June 26, 1909

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