Christian Science found me helpless, hopeless, beaten...

Christian Science found me helpless, hopeless, beaten, broken; mentally and physically incapacitated and in financial despair. For three years I had been greatly reduced in weight. I was lifted from these conditions into a measure of health and prosperity and enabled to take my place in the world. This healing came to me from a few brief statements of Christian Science gained from the public criticism and misrepresentation of Mrs. Eddy's great work, Science and Health, illustrating and verifying her statement, "A grain of Christian Science does wonders for mortals, so omnipotent is Truth" (Science and Health, p. 449). For the wonderful healing, and all that Christian Science has been to me in the years that have followed, words are impotent to express my deep gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy.

George G. Coutts, Santa Ana, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
When I first heard of Christian Science, some two and...
June 19, 1909

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