[Translated from the German.]

That Christian Science is the truth which makes free...

That Christian Science is the truth which makes free from all evil, it has been my privilege to experience repeatedly. I would like to tell of a beautiful proof. Inadvertently I swallowed a small piece of glass, which lodged in my throat. I felt great pain and the throat began to swell. I therefore started immediately to a Christian Science practitioner to ask for help. During the drive in the car the pain became more severe, and when I reached the home of the Scientist I could hardly speak. She immediately set to work for me, and after a short while the pain and the swelling lessened, so that I could breathe more easily. After a while I left the Scientist, who continued to help me. This was late in the afternoon, and in the evening of that same day I attended a meeting. By that time I had but little difficulty in swallowing. I slept very well during the following night and felt quite free the next morning. I knew, however, that thoughts of fear surrounded me, and as I ascribed power to them, I again felt difficulty and pain in swallowing. In the afternoon the Scientist called, treated me, and told me that wrong thoughts could have no influence, for God's thoughts alone have power, and they are good. The trouble soon disappeared, and for this I am very thankful.

I felt still more gratitude, however, for the spiritual help which I received on this occasion. I again took a little step farther in the understanding of the truth. This is only one of the many cases in which I have found help in Christian Science. For instance, at the birth of our little son two years ago I experienced the power of divine Truth in a wonderful way. I am grateful indeed that God has led me into the way of the Christ-healing, in which I can find help for every need; and I thank Mrs. Eddy, who has explained to us this way.

Frau Hildegard Kretzschmar, Dresden, Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
I am exceedingly grateful for the benefits received from...
June 12, 1909

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