In a late issue of the Herald a critic thinks Christian Science...

Los Angeles (Cal.) Herald

In a late issue of the Herald a critic thinks Christian Science is a refuge for the intellectually lazy. Christian Science does not permit any one to escape the "obligation to take hold for the righting of material wrongs." On the contrary, this is the very mission of Christian Science, and it rights the wrongs in a most effectual manner by overcoming and destroying the erroneous mental conditions which cause them.

When all are truly Christian Scientists, all will do right and there will be no wrongs to overcome. Christian Science believes the practice of the Golden Rule to be the most efficacious method extant for the remedying of existing wrongs. If those who feel inclined to criticize Christian Science will be fair and just enough to become acquainted with what Christian Science really is, much of what is now voiced against it would be left unsaid.

A man's happiness and success in life will depend not so much upon what he has, or upon what position he occupies, as upon what he is and the heart he carries into his position.—Prof. S. J. Wilson

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May 15, 1909

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