Christian Science teaches that the only creator is God,...

Eureka (Ill.) Democrat-Journal

Christian Science teaches that the only creator is God, divine Love, eternal Life. It teaches that this God who is Life and Love "made all that was made" and pronounced it good, but did not make anything evil or that could cause evil, pain, sickness, or death. What possible comfort can the sufferer derive from believing that pain and sickness are from God, and therefore are real and indestructible because of Him? Has such a belief been of any advantage to the countless millions who have sickened and died under the intolerable discouragement which it fosters?

On the other hand, is it any comfort or advantage to the sufferers in this day and age to have learned through Christian Science that their suffering is needless, that pain and sickness are illegitimate, monstrous, abnormal, unreal, and therefore that they can be successfully resisted and scientifically banished? The answer comes from a host of grateful beneficiaries of Christian Science, that its teaching of man's rightful dominion over evil (including pain and sickness) has caused them untold joy and comfort and has given them a foretaste of the "new heaven" and "new earth" in which St. John said "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

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