Ability to maintain at all times the proper relation between teacher and student seems to be one of the hardest problems with which many Christian Scientists are confronted, and doubtless much of the misunderstanding and friction which unfortunately exist in some fields is due to a failure on the part of both teacher and students to adjust themselves to a sensible working basis, one that recognizes the individuality of each party and the necessity for maintaining this individuality. That this failure is due to thoughtlessness is true in some instances, but not in all.

There is a peculiar trait of human nature which, when not governed by divine Mind, seems to impel some persons to seek personal adulation, and to exercise more or less of personal domination over those with whom they are brought into close touch. This same trait is also apparent in others in an inverted form, and through it is furnished the desired adulation and the willingness to be dominated. It should be needless to say that neither phase of this trait can be the groundwork for a demonstration of Christian Science.

The aim of every teacher of Christian Science should be to instruct his pupils in such a manner as to enable them to appeal to the one and only Mind for guidance, and through their understanding of this Mind to heal the sick and destroy all evil. It is not the province of a teacher personally to dominate and control his students, nor is it proper for a student so to be dominated and controlled. The teacher does not teach Christian Science in order to build up a personal following or to become what might have been called in former days a feudatory lord, nor does the student become a vassal by virtue of being taught by the one whom he has selected to be his teacher.

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March 20, 1909

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