I feel that I should not delay any longer to tell of the...

I feel that I should not delay any longer to tell of the good I have received from Christian Science. It is about ten years since we found this healing truth, and from that time we have relied on God for our healing. We have had many proofs of God's ever-presence and power. On one occasion, when I was working in a large factory, a heavy casting fell on my foot, and the man who lifted it said my foot must be severely injured, but I began to declare the truth and to repeat the scientific statement of being, holding firmly to the thought that God is Love. This was about ten in the morning, and I worked until noon. At noon the men gathered around me, all insisting that I had sustained a serious injury. About two o'clock I went home, and by that time I could not sit still or lie down. Our little girl, then six years old, came came up, put her arms around my neck, and said, "Papa, God will heal you, won't He?" I will say that I wish I could have more childlike trust in God. I began to read the Bible and Science and Health, and in this way I gained relief. I then got the Quarterly and began to read and study the Lesson-Sermon. By the time I had finished the study of the Lesson I was healed, and the fourth day I went back to work. I can only say with the Psalmist, "O give thanks unto the Lord, for the is good: for his mercy endureth for ever."—Simeon Baker, Hastings, Neb.

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March 13, 1909

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