I wish to express my gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy...

I wish to express my gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for all that Christian Science has done for me. Eight years ago I had the misfortune to injure my right leg severely, above the ankle. I was laid by for nineteen weeks, and about three weeks after I returned to work a small wound broke out on the leg. This healed up and then another appeared, and this continued, another appearing as one would heal up, until a year ago last August, when the trouble became greatly aggravated. I must here state that I am a steam and hot water fitter by trade, so one can imagine what the conditions were under which I had to do my work. I had tried all sorts of remedies, and my club doctor told me more than once that he could do nothing more for me, and that I could not do better than I was doing.

I first heard of Christian Science through a relative, who had been healed of a very bad internal trouble, for which she had been under one or two operations, her husband being told that he must console himself the best way he could, as she would be an invalid for life. This relative advised me to try Christian Science, and the result was that after the first treatment or two I was considerably better in health, and my leg began to get well. In the space of two months the leg was completely healed, and no one but myself can understand how thankful I was to know that divine Love had accomplished in that short time what the medical profession had not been able to do in seven years.

I sincerely hope that my testimony will reach some sufferer and will be the means of bringing him to the understanding that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494). I wish to thank all those unselfish Scientists whose kindness has helped to bring me into the understanding that God is All-in-all.—G. J. Knight, London, England.

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Testimony of Healing
With a heart full of gratitude I should like to give a...
February 13, 1909

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