[Translated from the German.]

With grateful heart do I testify to the blessings which...

With grateful heart do I testify to the blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. Since early childhood I had suffered from an ailment which appeared nearly every year under a different form, in spite of all the remedies applied. As time went on I became very nervous and suffered from sleeplessness for years. In the spring of I905 I was taken with a severe nervous trouble, and according to the opinions of the doctors I was in a state of complete physical and mental exhaustion. For five weeks all material remedies were tried, only to be proved useless, and the physicians suggested, as a last resort, that I go to a hydropathic sanitarium. I had, however, lost all hope of ever being healed, unless that healing came from a higher source, and it was from thence that it did come to me.

By divine providence I heard of a Christian Science practitioner, who explained to me in the most loving way man's relation to God and helped me to find the true way. After the first treatment I was convinced that divine Love is the best and only remedy for all disease, and after about a week's treatment I was able to go out. I quickly regained my strength, and am now a well and happy woman. In the two years since I have known Christian Science I have seen so many proofs of the omnipresence of divine Love, both in my own experience and that of others, that my gratitude increases daily for having found this blessed teaching. I think I can best show my gratitude to God, and to our Leader, by trying to live this inspiring truth and by endeavoring to help others.

Amanda Joeckel, Frankfurt a M., Germany.

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Testimony of Healing
I have had many wonderful proofs of the power of Truth...
February 6, 1909

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