I am indeed grateful for what Christian Science has done...

I am indeed grateful for what Christian Science has done for me. Two years ago I went to have some dental work done. The dentist told me my teeth were in a very bad condition, three of them being diseased and one so badly decayed that it had affected the jaw-bone. As a result an abscess had broken through the roof of my mouth, and there was a continual discharge. The dentist said he could do nothing with this tooth then, and that we would have to leave it for a month or two. I immediately called on a Christian Science practitioner for treatments, and in a month's time all soreness and inflammation had disappeared, so that I was able to have the tooth crowned. The cavity in the roof of my mouth is entirely filled in with flesh and the piece of jaw-bone is now nearly in place.

For this healing and many other blessings I am thankful to God, and also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

Mabel E. Cohoe, Hurley, S. D.

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December 4, 1909

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