[Translated from the German.]

Over three years have elapsed since I became interested...

Over three years have elapsed since I became interested in Christian Science, and I send in my testimony with a grateful heart for all that it has done and is still doing for me, hoping that many may thereby be led to investigate this great teaching and discern that it is the truth. For ten years I suffered with a stomach trouble and nervous disease, and had applied for help to many physicians, without getting relief. I was in such a condition that I could retain no food whatever, and was visibly failing. In order not to leave anything untried, I also consulted a doctor who had been warmly recommended to me, but I was told that my condition was incurable, and that I had but a few weeks longer to live.

While in this condition of great need, I was told about Christian Science. I set all my hope upon it, and attended a Wednesday evening meeting, which convinced me at once. I took treatment from a Christian Science practitioner, and when I told her that I could neither eat nor drink, she immediately said that God makes all things to grow for the benefit of man, and not to injure him. I kept this saying in thought, and after the first treatment was able to eat and drink whatever I had appetite for. In a very short time I was a healthy woman. When I came to Christian Science I was greatly reduced, but a few weeks later I had gained fourteen pounds in weight.

For the blessings which Christian Science has brought me, as well as for its teachings, I am grateful with all my heart to God, and to our faithful Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

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Testimony of Healing
I feel it a duty which I owe to Christian Science to testify...
November 13, 1909

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