I have for some time felt that I should express my gratitude...

I have for some time felt that I should express my gratitude for the benefits received from Christian Science. It is now over four years since I returned to Christian Science, after having left it for a short time, being led away by the false belief that I would enjoy material things better if I discontinued the study and application of the truth; but I would like to impress upon those who read this testimony, never to allow a suggestion of that kind to take hold upon them. I had such terrible experiences, such hours and days of utter darkness to pass through, which would easily have been dispelled with the knowledge of Truth. Thanks to God, and to the teachings of our dear Leader, I have again taken up the study and application of Christian Science, and have been delivered out of many difficulties, also healed of many forms of sickness.

I have three children, who have received great good from Christian Science. We have been healed of various attacks of disease, sometimes after the first application of the truth. The Sentinel is a welcome visitor in our home, and I am always glad when the day comes for it to reach me. The articles are very helpful to me, and they sometimes answer questions that have been puzzling me. I am truly thankful to Mrs. Eddy for discovering this truth and making it plain to us.

Mrs. Helen Temple, Tallahassee, Fla.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a feeling of deep gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for...
November 13, 1909

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