I would like to give my testimony to the saving effects...

I would like to give my testimony to the saving effects of Christian Science. It was first presented to me while I was suffering from a neuralgic attack and was going home to go to bed until it wore off, — my usual course of procedure. I met a lady whom I knew, and she spoke to me cheerily ; but I was in so much pain that her happy greeting jarred upon me. Seeing my plight, she told me that it was not necessary for me to suffer, if I would only realize that the body without mind could not suffer. I of course agreed to that, and that the Mind which was God could not be sick. Instantly I saw that this was a self-evident truth, and I repeated it over several times. When I turned my thought again to the pain, I found it had all gone, and I was as free as a bird. I was so overjoyed that I hastened home to tell them the good news of my release, but when I explained to them what to me seemed so simple and logical, to my great surprise they treated it as a joke and would have none of it. With even this small knowledge I found I could help myself out of many troubles, but if I tried to help others they could not or would not accept it; until at length I gradually came to forget all about it myself.

Several years after this the same old trouble returned with renewed force, and I cried out to God for help; this time earnestly, determined to find out more of that which had healed me so long ago, and I was led into the fold of Christian Science. Since 1900, when I took class instruction, divine Love has led me gently and lovingly, showing me the nothingness of all seeming power apart from God. The struggle against the testimony of the material senses in overcoming self has been very interesting, especially as its illusive character is more and more realized.

The overcoming of a sense of lack where the circumstances were such that there seemed to be absolutely no avenue of escape, meant much to me. This was done by claiming God's allness and Spirit as the only substance, and by putting away every sense of the error which seemed to talk louder than the good, until at length the bonds of mesmerism broke and I was flooded with a sense of opulence that filled every desire, and opened up the spiritual world to my entranced vision. These glimpses are but sureties of the permanence of spiritual reality, as we shall know it when all error yields to Truth. My gratitude and love go out to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who took these same steps alone ere she could give to us her experience and so save us much suffering. We all think we would have been the ones to follow the Master had we lived in his time, but would we, if we close our eyes to the same works that are done today, which affect unnumbered thousands for good ? We who profess to love Christian Science should each day ask ourselves the question, Do I love God, Spirit, with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind? Mrs. Eddy tells us that this means "the surrender of all merely material sensation, affection, and worship" (Science and Health, p. 9).

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October 9, 1909

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