From earliest recollection I suffered from toothache,...

From earliest recollection I suffered from toothache, having many distressing experiences with dental work. So deeply rooted were the teeth that the dentist refused to extract them unless an anesthetic was used. After one experience consciousness was not readily restored, and it was decided by the doctor in charge that this could never again be done. With the next extraction a new trouble developed,—excessive bleeding, which necessitated my lying very still for twenty-four hours.

After beginning the study of Christian Science for some so-called incurable diseases. I asked help for some dental work, which was done without pain. I even forgot about the former trouble, thus verifying the Scriptural declaration, "The former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." The dentist asked when about half through if I would not like to rest, but I said that he could go on. After all my teeth had been extracted I was told that the jaw-bone was diseased. I then began to see the truth as taught in Christian Science, namely, that all causation is mental not physical. The struggle lasted about nine months, and occasionally I had a little help from one more experienced than myself, but for over two years now it has not given me any trouble. I have been perfectly healed of this ailment. I have seen acute and organic diseases in their worst forms fade out, in some cases slowly, in others instantly, before the truth taught in Science and Health by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

Inez Milton, Bloomington, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
For twenty-five years I suffered with what the doctors...
January 9, 1909

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