After reading in the Sentinel so many good testimonies...

After reading in the Sentinel so many good testimonies of healing, I feel it my duty to tell of what Christian Science has done in our family. To tell all it has done for us would take too much time and space, but what I consider one of the greatest blessings was the healing of our son, now fourteen years old, of lung trouble. He was taken ill, though I did not think it anything serious, but the next morning, very early, I found that he was unconscious, and did not know any member of the family (this was on Saturday). I immediately sent for a practitioner, who arrived about one o'clock and at once began to treat the boy; but in the mean time the child's father had become much alarmed, and he sent for a doctor. After the doctor had pronounced it a very bad case, we dismissed him and went on with Christian Science treatment, and by two o'clock in the morning the child was regaining consciousness. He kept on improving, and on Monday afternoon he was up and dressed and out on the porch, completely recovered; nor has he since felt any inconvenience from the trouble.

Mrs. Bettie Babcock, Waldron, Mo.

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September 26, 1908

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