Our critic declares that he hears nothing about the...

Boston Times

Our critic declares that he hears nothing about the healing of the soul in Christian Science. If by healing the soul he means spiritual improvement in contradistinction to bodily healing, then there is certainly strong evidence that he has heard nothing from Christian Scientists nor has he read the testimony of Christian Scientists. In her book "Rudimental Divine Science," Mrs. Eddy declares: "Healing physical sickness is the smallest part of Christian Science. It is only the bugle-call to thought and action in the higher range of infinite goodness. The emphatic purpose of Christian Science is the healing of sin." As we have already stated, bodily improvement in Christian Science practice is the result of spiritual regeneration. The body responds as the "soul" is saved from sin and evil. The neophyte in Christian Science may be considerably enthused by the bodily benefits which he receives, but the spiritual uplift which he gains soon swallows up his interest in the material benefits.

Mrs. Eddy speaks kindly and gratefully of the noble work which has been and is being accomplished by our good physicians. Christian Science encourages all reasonable hygienic methods, including pure air and food and cleanliness, in keeping with the old adage, "Cleanliness is indeed next to godliness." If the Christian Scientists had their way about it, the city sewerage would be much improved and the streets would be kept much cleaner. It is natural that to one whose thought has become more elevated, any lack of cleanliness in his material surroundings would become more noticeable and more objectionable to him, although he might have an unusual amount of grace to bear with untidiness. The home and persons of Christian Scientists will bear testimony to the fact that they are quite as advanced in the habit of cleanliness as they are in spirituality, and thus "by their fruits" they are known. The best and purest in the material most nearly approaches the spiritual, and hence is most desirable to Christian Scientists.

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September 19, 1908

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