I wish to express my love and gratitude to God, to Mrs. Eddy,...

I wish to express my love and gratitude to God, to Mrs. Eddy, and to the dear friend who first put "the little book" into my hands, for this volume of truth has opened up to me a new heaven, here and now,—a harmonious state of being. Since childhood I had known nothing but sickness and sorrow, with the verdict of two Boston physicians and the universal belief of inherited lung trouble weighing me down. From this I am rising "to the true consciousness of Life as Love,—as all that is pure, and bearing the fruits of Spirit" (Science and Health, p. 391). A short time before I knew of this truth, I was rejected by one of the best insurance companies as a hopeless case, because of heart and spinal trouble, blood disease, etc.; but Truth is giving me a new lung, purifying my blood, strengthening my heart, and destroying the spinal complaint. I am a young disciple of about a year's growth, and during that time I seem to have been born anew by the Word of God,—an unfolding of God's creation. Spiritually I am finding life and peace, whereas before, nothing but hell existed. I knew no God, and was slowly starving when the manna was supplied through one who saw my need. Since then I have never hungered, "for," as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, "the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousnesss and truth." As we learn in Christian Science that God is our Life, we need only to make this teaching practical to receive the fruits.

I prize very highly my Science library, which now consists of the Bible, Science and Health, "Miscellaneous Writings," "Unity of Good," and the Sentinel. To these I am continually adding, and they are circulating among my friends. I shall apply for membership in The Mother Church, and am now fitting myself that I may be a help to the Cause which is carrying around the world the glad tidings that Christ is here again. As every good desire is a prayer, like David I am trying to have confidence in such,—with his plea, "Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." It is a great blessing to live in this age when the "Spirit of truth" has been revealed to us through Mrs. Eddy, whom God had prepared. Our Church is truly a shelter from the storm of materiality. For all I have reaped since coming to know the Giver of all good, words fail to express my gratitude; but the seed is growing, and will multiply "under the shadow of the Almighty."

Henry E. Hewitt, Boston, Mass.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science was brought to my notice eight years...
August 22, 1908

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