A recent experience has so increased my gratitude for...

A recent experience has so increased my gratitude for the knowledge of Truth gained through Christian Science, that I can no longer refrain from adding my testimony to the thousands already given. Christian Science found me about two years ago, after the physician had told me an operation for the removal of an abnormal growth was my only hope. For four months I had been weak and unable to walk, and he said the operation could not be performed until I grew stronger. At this time I was asked to try Christian Science while waiting for strength to undergo the operation. I did so, and in five treatments was perfectly healed of the growth. Through constant study of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, since that time, I have been healed of a very annoying and serious trouble of twenty-nine years' standing, that all other remedies had failed to reach.

I wish also to express a mother's heartfelt thanks for another convincing proof of this healing truth. On Sept. 15, 1907, my son, while boarding a street car, was thrown to the pavement, rendered unconscious, and severely injured. He was taken to the hospital, and when I received the message that he was dangerously injured I immediately realized that with God's loving arms around my boy, he was safe. Word was sent to a Christian Science practitioner at once, and she met my husband and myself at the hospital. Besides a severe injury to the head and neck, the physicians said he had internal injuries. They set the collar-bone, and dressed a scalp wound. Knowing that we were Christian Scientists, the physicians were reluctant in allowing us to take him home, saying he must have medical attention in order to recover. The Christian Science practitioner remained with him the first two nights, which were full of peace and entirely free from pain. On Tuesday, the second day after the accident occurred, he arose and said, "I am all right, except for these bandages." On the Friday following the thought came to me that God's child is not in bondage but is free, and I took off the bandages, knowing the truth that God is supreme. On Sept. 30 he went to work, and two days later met the physician, who asked him if he could move his arm. My son showed him that he had perfect control of it; also that his head was perfectly healed, at which the physician said, "You had a close call."

I am happy to say that my husband and children all join me in thanks to God every day for the many blessings gained through Christian Science, and we are grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having given the world the message that enables all to know and trust God.

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Testimony of Healing
Before I knew how to use Christian Science I suffered...
August 22, 1908

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