After reading an article in the Sentinel of Feb. 16, entitled...

After reading an article in the Sentinel of Feb. 16, entitled "Christian Science the Whole Gospel," it seemed to me that, as one who had always belonged to the Church of England, and who had for many years been an active worker in it, it was my duty and privilege to explain why I left that Church and became a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, and also of its branch church in Brighton, England.

For more than two years before I heard of Christian Science I was in a miserable, restless, unsatisfied state of mind, filled with an intense longing for a fuller understanding of God. For the greater part of the time I was under the care of a doctor, who was exceedingly kind to me. He called my condition a nervous breakdown, and attributed it to my having overtired myself with district visiting and other church work; but I knew, what I could not explain to him, that it was because my faith in the teaching of the Church to which I belonged was shaken and I felt stranded. I went through a terrible mental strain, for I had always loved the Church, and gained great good through it, and I could not understand why this particular trial had been sent me. Later on it became still clearer to me that I must leave the Church, but I did not know where to go; and from that time, though I occasionally attended the services, my one constant prayer was, that if anywhere there was a form of religion where people really practised what they professed, I might be led to it. At the beginning of 1905 I had two tedious illnesses, but although I felt weak and tired all the summer, I was happier than I had been for a long time. I had a curious sensation of waiting for something, a feeling that if I would only be patient and not worry about it, very soon God would show me exactly what He wanted me to do.

In the autumn I heard of Christian Science for the first time, and attended a lecture. As the lecturer continued to speak, the hope grew stronger that perhaps this was the answer to my prayer. For a few weeks it did not seem that I could go to the services or hear more about it, and I waited till I felt quite sure that God was guiding me, and that I was not simply following my own will. On Dec. 10 the way was made easy for me to attend my first Christian Science service, and I shall never forget the experience. The Bible reading was the first chapter of Genesis. Although I knew the words by heart, it seemed to me that I was really hearing them for the first time; and as I listened, a wonderful new understanding of God, good, came to me. On the following Sunday I began to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and from that day my whole outlook on life changed and I knew that I had been led to something that would supply my every need. When I had been reading for exactly a fortnight, I had my first proof of the "healing power," in the overcoming of an attack of throat trouble and fear of illness. The healing was instantaneous and complete, and with it there came a feeling of intense joy and thankfulness, for I knew that I had found the truth for which I had so long been seeking.

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August 15, 1908

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