In 1889 I was told that Christian Science was able to...

In 1889 I was told that Christian Science was able to heal me, and though the words sounded trifling to me then, now it is all very different. I had been attended by a great many doctors, but received no lasting benefit. When I entered a class in Christian Science I realized that I was healed, and it was the first time that I had been free from pain in twenty-nine years. This relief came in three days' time, but it took several weeks for all the symptoms to disappear entirely, and leave me free mentally and physically. One of my worst troubles was a serious form of heart disease, and many times I lay helpless for hours, not even able to speak. Another ailment was lung trouble, in what the doctor called its last stage, besides other diseases too numerous to mention.

When Christian Science came to me I saw that it was none other than the Christ-healing, and from that time to this I have never doubted the truth of Mrs. Eddy's teaching in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." In the last nineteen years I have seen many persons healed of disease, which proves all I have said in its favor. Christian Science is a mighty power for good, as it is lived and loved.—Edward M. Felkey, Armstrong, Ia.

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Testimony of Healing
In the spring of 1889 I was suffering from a disease...
December 26, 1908

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