I wish to express through our periodicals my gratitude...

I wish to express through our periodicals my gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science. Many proofs of the power of God to heal in our day have come to me and mine through the earnest, honest study of the "little book," "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, the application of its rules, and the "habitual struggle to be always good" (Science and Health, p. 4). One of the clearest demonstrations of ever-present help that has come in my experience was in this wise: We had given up a home in the city for our own in the country, and on our first trip to town my husband took two of the children with him in a lumber wagon drawn by two beautiful new horses. I with my oldest daughter followed in a buggy and our family horse. We returned late in the afternoon, the wagon loaded with household goods, groceries, etc. I was in the lead with two of the children, and my husband some blocks in the rear, when we heard a noise, and turning to see if a car was coming, I saw my husband driving very fast and the car coming. I turned aside a little, and the next thing I knew I was being helped into a street-car, with a terrible gash over my eye.

Of course there were the usual conditions, — calls for help and physicians, and three of us were helped into a drug-store, where I asked for the use of the telephone. While waiting for the connection this statement from Science and Health came to me: "Matter can make no conditions for man" (p. 120). I was so strengthened by this thought, so equipped for the work of the hour, that all sense of bodily injuries left me. The call for help was answered, and as the circumstances came to light we learned that the horses had run away, my husband had been thrown from the wagon and under the horses, the wagon going over his body, and the child with him, who was also thrown out, had one hand hurt. The other children were unharmed. While I was in the drugstore, a physician came to offer his services. My heart was full of love, and I said, "I am a Christian Scientist, and have been for nearly ten years. Truth has always met every need, and I know it will now; but I thank you for your kindness." He said that doctors did not claim to heal every time, but that they could alleviate pain. I assured him that I had no pain, and again thanked him for his kind offer.

How my heart went out in gratitude to our dear Leader. who has given us this truth that makes us free from fear and suffering. My husband seemed to be severely injured, but through the declarations of the truth and the practitioner's loving care his need was met, and through this experience he has learned that "now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ:" that "God will heal the sick through man, whenever man is governed by God," as our Leader teaches in Science and Health (p. 495). We stayed in the city that night with loyal Christian Scientists, and to further prove the protection of Truth, all our goods were picked up — not one article was lost. We returned to our home twenty-four hours later, knowing more clearly than ever before that God, divine Love, meets every human need. — Julia Clarkson Wolcott, So. Omaha, Neb.

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October 24, 1908

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