When I was about nineteen years old I became affected...

When I was about nineteen years old I became affected with very obstinate bowel trouble, the various remedies which were tried for relief seeming to have no more effect than so much water. I was examined by a physician, who predicted stomach trouble, and surely enough a very serious stomach trouble did come on later, so that I had to take liquid foods almost exclusively for some time. Meanwhile I was married, and the conditions became much worse prior to the birth of my first child. We turned to Christian Science as a last resort at the time our baby boy seemed to be near death. The practitioner then asked me for the baby's sake to drop the material remedies I was using for myself, and to trust my own case as well Christian Science. I did not like to do this, but mother-love won the day, and I consented. The improvement in my own case came on very soon, and gradually I began to eat more. The joy of seeing our child being restored to health, and without any deformity as was feared, was very great. My own condition became more and more normal, and I would not now be willing to trust to material remedies, for I feel that Christian Science is the most efficient means of healing. I see that it corresponds to the teaching of the Bible, and that it is of God, divine Mind, "who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases."

I am grateful to God for our revered Leader, who discovered and founded so well this system of scientific healing.—Sarah Louise Coleman, Fairhope, Ala.

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Testimony of Healing
What I have and what I am to-day I owe to Christian Science
January 11, 1908

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