For the credit of the doctors no less than the Christian Scientists...

Family Doctor

For the credit of the doctors no less than the Christian Scientists of New York, may I be permitted to deny the suggestion that there is any collusion between them for the purpose of hushing up deaths occurring under treatment from the latter.

There is something, however, beyond this which I do most earnestly request to be allowed to say in your columns. It is this, that there is no antagonism to doctors amongst Christian Scientists, nor desire to persuade their patients to desert them. Christian Scientists naturally think that for themselves they have found a better way, but that does not, and never has, prevented them from feeling a sincere and deep admiration for those generations of splendid men who have devoted their lives to the destruction of disease and the conquest of pain.

[The above statements by Mr. Dixon will remind every Christian Scientist of our Leader's appreciation of medical doctors, when she says, "Great respect is due the motives and philanthropy of the higher class of physicians" (Science and Health, p. 151).—Editor Sentinel.]

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