"Medicus" published an article in the News stating that...

Baltimore News

"Medicus" published an article in the News stating that Christian Science destroys the belief in microbes, and is destroying the foundation of public health. I do not think he meant that disease germs were the foundation of health, but from his "point of view" the belief in them and the fear of them were necessary to health. "Medicus" is entitled to his point of view, but Christian Science is also entitled to its view-point, when thousands of its adherents are proving every day, to themselves and to others, that the real man is the spiritual man, the God-reflected man; that the image and likeness of God is in reality man. Can the image of God contain tuberculosis and epidemic-producing germs? Then in reality, taking the God-made man as the reality, microbes do not exist. This is a Christian Science standpoint—a metaphysical one. Christian Scientists do not claim that this is the point of view of physicists; it cannot be so long as they believe in the dominance of the physical. It should be understood that Christian Scientists concede the unreal man to be very much in evidence. There is no mortal entirely free from some one or more fears and beliefs that control him more or less, and make some or all diseases very real to him; but when he knows that in truth they are unreal, he begins to control these manifestations through this knowledge, and, gradually putting off the old man, he grows into the new man's inheritance of health.

This is not mere theory, as hundreds of thousands can testify who have been healed and who are proving it step by step, and a large number of whom have been healed after having been declared incurable by materia medica. In one place alone where many tuberculosis victims (so called) are sent, usually as a last hope, when their hope has died they have turned to Christian Science, and hundreds have been permanently cured and to-day thank God that they have found out the nothingness of microbes.

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July 6, 1907

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